Sunday, September 13, 2015

Nutella Glazed Homemade Doughnuts

Many have asked and I have finally decided to deliver. My name is Micah-Tynele. And I love anything that involves homemaking. No, I do not have a husband nor do I have kids. I just love taking care of my home, even if its just this tiny little corner of Hoboken.

Cooking, to me, is a therapy. A therapy much cheaper and much more enjoyable than talking to a stranger while sprawled out on a big comfy couch. With every spice and ingredient you add, you shed a fear or a worry that you may have been carrying with you before. And decorating? Well decorating taught me how to be myself. Each pillow and rug is a declaration of who I am and how I want to be seen.

I won't pretend to say I am an expert at all things cooking. My baked-goods sometimes come out a tad too dry or overly salty. And my style may not be for everyone. But I am looking forward to welcoming you into my precious little Hoboken apartment for some adventures that I am sure will prove to be entertaining at the very least.

Welcome to apartment 10!

Let's start off in the kitchen... 

You have caught me just in time for my fall decorating (courtesy of the Target dollar section). This kitchen is my little piece of heaven.  

Last week I got a hankering for donuts. I had seen many recipes on Pinterest and decided to give it a shot with my own spin. I took my dough suggestions from Pioneer Woman (who, might I add, is one of my go-to's). 

I started by heating the milk in a saucepan on medium. You want the milk to be warm enough to dissolve the sugar the the yeast completely. If you are as impatient as I am, try my routine of choosing a song to dance around the kitchen to while you wait. For this I chose "Rain is a Good Thing" because something about corn and yeast seemed to connect in my mind. Once the milk is warm, add the sugar and the yeast and stir until they have dissolved. 

In a separate bowl, mix together the flour and salt. 

I use my standing mixer with the dough paddle in all things dough related, however if you do not have a standing mixer you can use a hand held or a spoon and get a little arm workout in. On a low speed, mix together the milk and eggs. Add the yeast mix. Then slowly (in 1/3 increments) add the flour. Let mix for 4-5 minutes or until completely incorporated.

Voila! You have dough, you fantastic baker you! 

Now I know you want to get to work on these decadent treats right away. But the refrigerator is calling and your dough must go. It's just for the night, though, so do not despair. Make sure the bowl has been buttered or oiled down and has been covered with cling wrap before you place the dough in the fridge. 

The morning will feel like Christmas if you are anything like me. (Why yes, I did dream about all the different types of doughnuts I would be eating the next day) Your dough is now ready to be rolled out and cut. Make sure to lightly flour your rolling area as well as your dough. If you have done a good job on the dough it will be hard to roll out because it will want to recoil every time you roll it. The colder it is and the quicker you roll it, the better. 

Once you have rolled it out, cut out circles in whatever size doughnut you would like to create. I did mini doughnuts in hopes of feeding more mouths at the office. Once you have cut out the larger circles, use a smaller cut to make the doughnut holes. You can either fry those as doughnut holes or incorporate them back into the dough to roll out more doughnuts. 

Once you have your doughnuts cut, place them on a greased pan and cover them with a tea towel. Let them rise for an hour. That gives you just enough time to get ready to look smoking hot for your photo op with your doughnuts or to veg on your couch and watch the next episode of your most recent Netflix binge. 

After an hour, start heating the oil. I let my dough rise for about 20 minutes longer than recommended by Pioneer Woman and it did wonders for the dough. That 20 minutes was about as long as it took my oil to get to the suggested 375 degree temp for frying. 

I fried multiple doughnuts at once, though most sites said not to, and they all turned out great. It takes about 1 minute to cook the doughnut on each side. Once the dough is cooked, drain each doughnut on a thick layer of paper towels and pat dry. 

I made a delicious Nutella glaze because who doesn't love Nutella. And by the way- this was the easiest frosting in the history of frosting. In a separate mixing bowl I blended 1/2 cup nutella, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 5-7 teaspoons milk, and 1 cup powdered sugar (I did add a little extra powdered sugar until I hit the consistency I was looking for so be willing to step away from the measurements a bit). 

Once the doughnuts cooled down, I drizzled them with the Nutella frosting and BAM! delicious homemade doughnuts are yours. Take 'em to the office to earn some brownie points with your colleagues, swing some to the neighbors to get them to keep the noise down, or put 'em on a plate and pour yourself a nice glass of milk because you are king of the kitchen and you totally deserve to eat as many of those bad boys as you want. 

Nutella Frosted Homemade Doughnuts

Yield: approx. 25 mini doughnuts
Prep Time: 8-9 hours
Cook Time: 2 minutes per doughnut

  • Doughnuts:
  • 1-1/8 cup Whole Milk, Warm
  • 1/4 cup Sugar
  • 2-1/4 teaspoons (one Package) Instant Or Active Dry Yeast
  • 2 whole Large Eggs, Beaten
  • 1-1/4 stick Unsalted Butter, melted
  • 4 cups All-purpose Flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon Salt

  • Nutella Frosting:
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup nutella
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 5-7 teaspoons milk


1. Heat milk in a saucepan until warm

2. Add sugar and yeast and stir until completely dissolved. 

3. Melt butter

4. Add eggs to butter and whisk until combined.

5.Place in standing mixer with dough paddle. Add yeast mixture and mix for 3-5 minutes. 

6. Mix together flour and salt in separate bowl. 

7. In 1/3 increments, blend flour into mix. Once all flour is added, let mix for 4-5 minutes. 

8. Oil/butter bowl to place dough in overnight. Cover with cling wrap and refrigerate for 8+ hours. 

9. Remove from fridge and roll while still cold. 

10. Cut into preferred size doughnuts. 

11. Place cut dough on greased pan and cover with tea towel. Allow to rise for 1+ hour or until soft and bouncy to the touch. 

12. Heat oil to 375 degrees. 

13. Cook doughnuts, 1 minute on each side. It is okay to cook multiple doughnuts at once but do not allow to layer in oil mixture. 

14. Remove from oil and drain on paper towel, pat dry, let cool.


1. Whisk together Nutella, vanilla, and milk.

2. Add powdered sugar. Continue adding until at your preferred consistency.

3. Drizzle or spread on cooled doughnuts.

4. Let set.

Thanks for indulging me on my first post. Until next time! 

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